Welcome to Mednosis, where board-certified physicians and surgeons provide second opinions.
Don't Google. Ask Our Doctors.

Secure and Confidential Patient-Doctor Communication
Mednosis provides secure and confidential doctor-patient chat. Ask any medical question you may have with confidence. We adhere to HIPPA’s requirements for confidentiality and our physicians are HIPPA compliant. With Mednosis your questions are secure, and confidential.

Conveniently Access Board Certified US Physicians and Surgeons
Physicians with Mednosis are board-certified in the US and have their own medical practices. Through our platform, they offer second opinion consultations to answer your pressing medical questions. You can also access specialists to request information about your condition.

Stop Googling. Use Trusted & Verified Mednosis.
Whether your condition doesn’t warrant an in-person visit with your primary care physician or if you’re looking for a specific answer to a unique medical question, Mednosis is a trusted and verified resource. Contact a physician who has the experience, education, and skill necessary to accurately answer your important medical questions.

How Mednosis Works
Mednosis is not telemedicine. You won’t receive medical prescriptions or diagnoses from our physicians. What you can expect is trusted, medically sound second opinions from practicing physicians and surgeons. Once you set up your account, you can contact any physician on our platform. Physicians will respond within 12 hours to ensure your question is answered. Please keep in mind the information you receive on Mednosis is meant for educational purposes only. Search engines can turn up unreliable, and oftentimes frightening, results. Avoid unnecessary stress by speaking with a medical professional qualified to answer your question, when you use Mednosis.

Chat With a Physician Today!
Take advantage of low-cost physician consultations from Mednosis and get answers to your pressing medical questions, when you sign up.